Special Events Festival Vendor Guidelines

The Villages® Charity Guidelines

Spanish Springs Town Square®
Lake Sumter Market Landing®
Brownwood Paddock Square®


The Villages® Spanish Springs Town Square®, Lake Sumter Landing Market Square®, and Brownwood Paddock Square® are the focus of many activities and play an important role in contributing to our friendly, hometown atmosphere. These guidelines are established to ensure the fair, continued, and profitable participation of our valued vendors in The Villages® Vendor Market Nights.

  1. Vendor Space

  2. The Villages Market night runs the first and third week of the month, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:00pm EST to 9:00pm EST from October – April

  3. The Villages Market night runs the first week of the month, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:00pm EST to 9:00pm EST from May – September

      1. Spanish Springs Town Square® – Tuesday(s)

      2. Lake Sumter Landing® – Wednesday(s)

      3. Brownwood Paddock Square® – Thursday(s)

  1. Charities are not allowed to share booths with other vendors.

  2. An approved organization can setup a total of 16 times in a calendar year, between all three town squares.

  3. All dates and locations are subject to availability, as there are only 2 designated Charity Spaces at each square.

  4. Sign ups are on a first come, first served basis.

  5. Once all documentation is received, Special Events will review your application and requested dates.

      1. Approved dates will be confirmed via email

  6. The Villages Entertainment make no claims of guarantees with regard to attendance, sales, or exposure.

  7. Set Up and Tear Down

    1. Setup time is from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

    2. Vehicles may be used to drop off product and equipment, but may not remain on site during setup. Vehicles must be parked in the approved parking lot.

    3. Tear down may not begin until the market has officially ended for that day.

    4. All merchandise and equipment must be packed before vehicles will be allowed in for load out.

    5. Leaving a space early without permission is strictly prohibited and may result in forfeiture of the space.

    6. Waiting with vehicles at stop signs, intersections, or just outside the chains is strictly prohibited.

    7. Organizations must stay within the boundaries of their allotted space.

    8. Organizations must provide their own tables, chairs, and lights needed for their booth.

        1. Usage of the chairs on the square is prohibited.

    9. Organizations are not permitted to tie off to any existing structures or landscaping on the squares.

    10. No product storage should take place in any of the landscaped areas. The entire display must be aesthetically pleasing as to reinforce the atmosphere of The Villages.

    11. There is no power provided for any set up. Power for each vendor’s space/display must be a whisper-quiet generator, a marine battery with an inverter system or battery powered lights.

        1. Using any of the power outlets found around the squares is strictly prohibited.

    12. No kerosene, butane, candles, or other flammable products may be used.

    13. No gas cans are to be left in any vendor space.

    14. Organizations shall bag and remove all or their trash.

    15. Leaving trash, boxes, or bags next to or in the existing trash containers in or around the squares is prohibited.

    16. Non-biodegradable items are to be disposed of properly.

    17. Discarding anything into storm sewers is prohibited.

  8. Weather

    1. Weather delays or cancelations are handled on a case by case basis by the manager on site.

  1. Parking

    1. All vendors must park in the designated parking lot.

        1. Spanish Springs Town Square ® – behind the Rialto Theater

        2. Lake Sumter Landing Market Square ® – behind The Villages ® Entertainment

        3. Brownwood Paddock Square ® – behind Gator’s Dockside, back parking lot

  1.  Parking around the immediate square or in front of any businesses is strictly prohibited.

  1. Required Documentation

    1. All Organizations must have all of the following on file with The Villages Entertainment. Failure to provide up to date copies of the required documentation will result in forfeiture of your space without refund until copies are provided.

        1. Signed Application (online)

        2. Literature from the charity/Organization

        3. Copy of the organization’s 501c3

  1. Solicitation

    1. Solicitation on all squares is prohibited.

    2. All sales must be done from your designated space only.

    3. Distributing flyers and advertisements outside of your designated space is not permitted.

  1. Dress Code/Conduct

    1. Attire is to be kept clean and neat and shall not be revealing or distracting.

    2. While participating as a vendor within The Villages, you are a representative of the ideals and image of The Villages, and your dress and/or conduct should reflect accordingly.

    3. The use of drugs and/or alcohol by a vendor or their workers is strictly prohibited.

    4. The use of vulgar language or disrespectful comments will not be tolerated.

    5. Anyone to be found in violation of these rules of dress code and/or conduct will be addressed accordingly.

    6. All vendors must be respectful to all staff and adhere to direction from the staff of The Villages and its various partners. These parties are there to assist you and make sure the event is as safe and efficient as possible.

  1. Entire Agreement

    1. As an Organization in The Villages®, the charity has read, understands, and agrees to adhere to the Market Guidelines of The Villages® Entertainment.

    2. The Organization acknowledges that any attempt to violate the guidelines or procedures of the Market Night events could lead to the termination of their participation in future events.