In Celebration of…

There are hardly any occasions in our lives when we don’t welcome a celebration. And why not? By and large, celebrations are shared experiences surrounding a special event, coupling together reflection and just good plain fun. And what could more appropriately describe The Villages and its residents?  

Living and playing in The Villages is just that…A Celebration!

For me, the Arts are the best realization of all there is in life to celebrate. One could even argue that the Arts are that very celebration.

The Arts shine a light on all that is beautiful within a community. It breeds curiosity within each of us. Curiosity for the people we see and curiosity in the places we frequent. In so doing, that bridges our backgrounds into one neighborhood. We are bonded through the stories, songs, shows, and shared experiences that affect us all.  

In celebration of life through Arts, we are magically whisked back to the very moments in time that elicits emotion, passion, and nostalgia. That first date. The big game! A first kiss. Your wedding day. The birth of your first child and your first grandchild.  

What is the ever-present anchor that allows us to relive these experiences? The Arts.

To that end, Victory Productions’ vision includes presenting to you, The Villages, with multiple occasions for celebration, each and every week of the year.

Together, we celebrate actors, singers, musicians, comedians, dancers, acrobats. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.  

In the next few months at The Savannah Center, you can see any number of performances in celebration of Classic Rock, in celebration of musical theatre, in celebration of dance, and in celebration of comedy. 

Legendary Headliners (Moody Blues’ John Lodge – March 23), to one-man shows (Til Death Do Us Part…You First! – February 24). Song and dance from the emerald isle (Michael Londra & The Celtic Fire – March 24) to jazz-rock from NYC (Blood, Sweat, & Tears – March 9). Singer-songwriters from the Great White North (Broken Arrow: The Music of Neal Young – Jan 24) to Southern Rock from right up the road in Gainesville (The Breakers: A Tribute to Tom Petty – March 3). And don’t forget about the best darn jukebox musical from Nashville (Always…Patsy Cline – Feb 19 & 20).

With each passing show, we see the joy that radiates across the faces of each audience member, and it gives us unending pleasure to play a role in your celebration.

The venues are open. The artists are returning.  

And, if we haven’t met already, we are excited to celebrate with YOU!

Article Written by Keith Hinson with Victory Productions